Sunday 21 October 2018

The Waiting Game is Over 

Hi all,

I have just a short one to say. My braces phase is finally over and I'm currently embracing my retainer moment. My teeth look nice, Dr. Naga scaled and polished my teeth after de-bracing me. He then made a mould to make me a customized retainer.
I initially thought I was getting the single wire retainer, but this clinic has evolved yeah. There's no more painful wire a patient should wear. He gave me a transparent plastic retainer after 2 days. Nobody will notice you're wearing one until they hear you speak. It affects your speech, yup! I can barely pronounce 'd' sound. It becomes 't' sound. And I need to wear it for 10 - 12 hours for at least a year before wearing it only while sleeping.
Well, I don't want to make my money and time wasted because of my lack of discipline. I'm gonna follow what Dr Naga advised. Okay, enough talking. Wanna see my new teeth?

Friday 6 January 2017

Power Chain & Headache

It has been 7 months ++ since I wore my braces. On 5/1/2017, I went to see my orthodontist for month 8 appointment. On my thought, it would be another changing of power chain. I unintentionally asked the doc whether or not changing wire was to be done on that day.  So he checked my record book to see whether it’s necessary. And yup, it’s time to change to a THICKER wire. He took a long time to keep readjusting the wire and cutting the end to the expected length. It went on until he accidentally broke one of my upper brackets. I didn’t know that until I asked what took him so long that he also did scale my teeth and I could taste blood. Before I asked, it felt like something was at the end of my tongue near my throat. I tried to dry swallow it but the ‘thing’ was a bit hard. When doc affirmed that he was trying to put a new bracket, I said,

Dyra : I just swallowed something and I think it’s the bracket.
Doc : How come it’s the bracket, girl. Your bracket is here (pointing to a bracket on his tray) Where’s her broken bracket? (he then asked his helper)
Helper : The one on the tray is the new bracket.

And suddenly everyone was silent for like 5 seconds (literally). Good, now I can take an X-Ray to see a bracket is stuck in my throat. S***! No wonder it felt hard.
Back to installation of the new wire. I wanted to be happy that I chose a new color but couldn’t. The pain beats all. Only God knows how tight my teeth were just after installing it. I feel the pressure as if it was the first time I wore braces. I guess I will have to go back to my soft food (porridge and porridge ONLY) diet for 2 weeks.

Last night, I had an unbearable headache. Could possibly because of this new wire. Fortunately doc only put it on my upper arch teeth first. If he were to put on both arches, I would have swallowed my Vimovo by now to reduce the pain. Just so you know, I’m crying on the inside. Wuuuuuuuwuwuwuwuwu 😢😢😢😢😢
Anyways, I'm stil 'belanja' you guys a picture of my new power chain. It's blue, baby!!!


Thursday 27 October 2016

My Teeth are Chained Tight

27th October 2016

Hey guys,

It's month 6 now. My teeth is not crowded anymore. I can now see a person with a beautiful smile in the mirror.

Because none of my teeth was extracted, the time taken to close the gap is faster. My teeth has already aligned in the 4th month. How surprising! This morning, Dr Naga changed from using the normal O ring to power chain. I've been wearing it for 11 hours ++. I didn't experience any pain or throbbing on the gums until after I brushed my teeth getting ready for bed. So it's true what people say. The pain starts when you're actually relaxing your mind and body. Damn you power chain! Why do you have to disrupt my sleep?!!!

According to one of the staff, power chain needs to be constantly worn for 9 months before changing to the normal O ring back. I don't see the reason why someone who didn't pull out any teeth to wear it that long. And why O ring back? Can't we just move on to the retainer part which I'll be having some difficulty to enunciate when I wear that??
But it's okay, Dr Naga affirmatively told me that my case can settle within a year. So, shorter period of power chain, maybe?

Anyway, please feel free zooming in this picture. You'll see how power chain differs from the O ring. No, actually you'll see my selfie perasan cute pics je. No kidding weh.
