Saturday 11 June 2016

Bracing Lower Teeth

26th May 2016

After a week of having a tight teeth and a hard time eating, it's time to brace my lower arch teeth. Doc  tak cakap banyak. Dia terus buat segala procedure yang sama masa pakaikan braces kat gigi atas. But bila pasang bawah, doc tarik pipi and bibir bawah kuat-kuat untuk pasangkan brackets. Sakit la. Macam nak terkoyak mulut buat macam tu. 

Semuanya siap dalam masa 20 minit juga la sebab pasang kat gigi bawah macam susah sikit. And I chose a different color of modules for my lower teeth which was orange. And then keluar terus bayar RM300 kat counter. Now that down payment has been settled, I will have to pay only RM100 for the monthly checkup. And this was how I look. I know I look weird. I myself think I'm ugly. But thank God my boyfriend thinks it's cute. So he's the one helping me to regain my self-esteem. LOL 

Now it's been 2 weeks since I started wearing braces and it starts to feel normal again except for the annoying feeling that food always stuck in between the wires. Yang tu selama-lamanya akan rasa. My daily routine has changed from brushing teeth twice a day to brushing teeth for 10 minutes after every meals with the normal toothbrush and the interdental brush. At home, I'll floss after brushing my teeth. Remeh la juga nak jaga bila dah pakai braces ni. Selepas makan memang akan automically rasa nak gosok gigi sebab banyak sangat bendasing melekat. And you won't wanna smile after eating. Pernah tauge tersidai elok je atas wire lepas makan. Maluuuuu!

Ni la rupa Interdental Brush tu. It's super small macam nak berus gigi hamster je.

Can't wait for my first monthly checkup. Doc akan tukar wire (takuttt) and tukar color modules (yay)! Dalam kepala dah fikir dah nak color apa sempena raya nanti. Weeeee!


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