Friday 23 September 2016

Braces Progress as at September 2016

Holla everybody!

It's been a while yeah? I guess I missed to tell the story of 3 sessions (as far as I can remember) but those are not important. 

What's best is to show you the result that I have achieved so far. Have this treat of my unglossed lips every time I took these pictures. Lol

I know it's hideous at first with the wires are all senget-benget
(magenta & orange)

I might use this colour again. I look good when I smile
There! told you it turns out good when I smile

I broke one of the brackets after biting a cucumber in a nasi lemak

And after some patience....
(light blue)
But now after some masak lemak cili api and some coloured food during Eid Adha, it  becomes a neon green. How cool is that?

Till my next appointment okay?


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